Thursday, September 17, 2009

Die To Yourself Everyday

As you may already know, God has sent me on a new journey in my life. I have left my church home of nearly 3 years in North Augusta, SC to help launch a new campus location of Stevens Creek Church in Grovetown, GA. I struggled for almost 4 months with my decision, and honestly, I gave my answer in May when the job was first offered to me. My answer was simply, "No". In August I felt God tugging on my heart strings and it could not be ignored. It was and still is very clear to me that I am doing what the Lord is directing me to do.

A week ago I saw where a drummer who plays for one of the bands at The Creek wrote a simple phrase on his snare drum. It said, "Die to yourself, everyday." I stared at those four words for probably 30 seconds, reading it over and over again. I honestly don't know if four words have ever cut so deep into me. For years of my life I have only obeyed the Lord as it was convenient to me. And that phrase, "Die to yourself, everyday." made me realize my will ultimately does not matter, and neither does yours! What we want is not always what God wants. He has a plan to use our talents in ways we cannot fathom.

2 Chronicles 16:9 says this, "The eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth looking for those to whom he may show himself strong, whose heart is perfect towards Him."

Read that verse again...
"The eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth looking for those to whom he may show himself strong, whose heart is perfect towards Him."

God is searching for a heart that is perfect towards him. A heart that is soft and in love with him and prepared to serve however the Lord pleases. In our world it is so easy to catch hold of possessions and worldly relationships and lose our true focus on the cross. God ask that we die to ourselves everyday.

I was reading an online article recently that talked about an old Japanese man who was a Grandmaster in Martial Arts. He used to ask his young students everyday, "Is this a good day to die?" Of course the young students did not want to think of death at such a young age, so their answers were always, "No". The Grandmaster did not ever miss the chance to ask his young students his famous question, "Is this a good day to die?"

Years later the Grandmaster was very old and was in a hospital bed dying. One of his early students who was now a very successful business man asked his Grandmaster. "Sir, why did you always ask us if today was a good day to die?" The old man replied, "Young warrior, you have never answered that question right." The business man looked at his Grandmaster and said, "But sir, I was honest in my answer, I never thought any of those days were a good day to die." The Grandmaster looked up with tear filled eyes and said, "Young warrior, you have missed it. After years of my teaching and after all of my efforts, you have still missed it. Your pension plan does not matter. Neither does your 401k. Your dreams do not matter. And your will does not matter. Your answer to the question was always wrong because it was what YOU wanted." The Grandmaster continued, "Young warrior, the day you die to yourself, is the day all of your greatest talents will be seen, and all of your dreams will come true. You will be the most successful when you die to yourself daily."

This should teach us a very valuable lesson. Our hopes and dreams can only take us so far. But when you die to yourself and let GOD run your life, his will for you surpasses any dream or goal you could ever imagine.

Finally, I challenge you to pray the prayer that I have been praying daily, "God help me live with a heart that is perfect towards you. I am dying to myself today."

Hang on. The ride is great.

_ C _

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

The Insanity of Love

The insanity of love is not that your hearts become one.
It's that one heart holds the emotions of two people.

The insanity of love is not missing someone when they walk away,
but missing them when you are sitting right beside them.

The insanity of love is not crying because you are hurting,
It is crying because they hurt.

The insanity of love is not holding someone close because you love them,
it's pushing them further and further away because you love them too much.

The insanity of love is not that you care so much about them,
but that you care about nothing if you are without them.

The insanity of love is not trusting in yourself to be faithful,
it is trusting in another life to love only you.

The insanity of love in not a burning passion inside your soul when you see them,
it's the burning hurt that overwhelms you when they walk away.

The insanity of love is not that you would die for them,
it's knowing wholeheartedly that they would die for you.

The insanity of love is not that love is a good feeling,
but that our lives wouldn't be complete without it.

Love requires insanity.
Insanity requires sickness.
Sickness requires a source.
A source requires a person.
A person requires love.

-Cliff Jennings

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Don't Forget

God is always working. Sometimes in ways that are very obvious, some that are not. Do you know that feeling you have when you're not as close to God as you should be. Maybe it is in a moment or maybe for a long period of time. But the feeling is the same, sort of dry, empty, lost, confused...

I have been hit and miss the past month or so. I have had a lot going on. I just transferred into a new University, new job, new responsibilities at the church. Although, I know my heart has been right with God, I have just felt the passion coming and going. Almost by the hour. I know God works through me, but does he use my passion??

There is a person, who I have met through one of my classes. A "new" friend. "Hey whats up man?" "Hey dude, how ya doin?" That had been pretty much the extend of our conversation, until this day. I had been studying for the class in a lounge near by when my new friend came walking in. We small talked, no big deal. I had been feeling a little down that day. Until, we took our friendship to the next level. (Get the mind back on track...) MUSIC! Musicians always seem to find each other, and we did as well. He started talking about his drum playing and I commented back on my guitar playing and singing. We went back and forth about programming software, favorite bands, equipment we use. This was cool and all, except I knew that God had put him there for a reason. But, because of the lack of passion at the time, I simply ignored it and moved on with my life.

To make a long two week story short, my rotation band and TrueNorth Church had been needing a drummer. (We have weeks of gigs scheduled over the summer and no drummer to play in them...)

This is where my new theory comes into the game...

What if...when we [God's children] are feeling down, and we feel like we have lost our passion for Christ and his Kingdom. (I think this is so cool!) What if God takes some of our passion, not our belief and love for him, but just our passion and gives it away to those who are around us? Do you get it? Even when we are not FEELING God using us, he could be "cloning" our feeling of passion and putting back into someone else! Someone that might not have ever had it, or maybe even someone who has just lost their way. Like taking skin from someone's back to replace a wound on their face. God uses our pure love for He and His Kingdom and rubs it off on others around us!

After asking this new drummer if he would be interested in trying out for our band sometime, and he agreeing, I get a phone call from a friend who was more than excited. The phone call went something like this..."I can't believe he is playing drums for church! I have been praying for him for so many years now. This is SUCH an answered prayer!" Throughout the conversation I find that our new drummer friend has had a difficult past, and that he had been turned away from church because of situations in his past. (Not going into the details...) The person who called me on the phone had literally helped raise him as a child and saw his downfall years ago, and has been praying ever since. God has used the abilities He has given me, once again, to further His Kingdom and to reach the lost. Even the lost who had purposely strayed away. I cannot describe the feeling. Thank you God.

My point is this...

Don't ever forget that God loves you.
Don't ever forget his power.
Don't ever forget that people around you are watching.
Don't ever forget that God is always watching.
Don't ever forget that lost people matter, because they are people too.
Don't ever forget that God loves the lost, just as He loves us.
Don't ever forget that God uses us.
Don't ever forget your passion.
and Don't ever forget your purpose.