Sunday, September 21, 2008

A 'Wow' type of day...

Over the past few years I have had the opportunity to lead worship at a variety of churches and events. More recently I have been leading at TrueNorth Church. Being in a church all my life, I have had and felt many "God moments". These are the times when your knees get weak and your eyes fill with tears and it takes every bit of strength you have to keep from falling on the floor.

I love leading worship at TrueNorth, don't get me wrong, but in the last couple of months I haven't felt much God in our worship. Instead I think we have become consumed with making the church "cool" with the fancy production and expensive equiptment and we have lost focus on what REALLY matters. I have felt convicted of this as well as other leaders in the church. Through a few meetings and long hard talks, the lead worship team decided that many things needed to change in order to change our "heart of worship". I have been very excited about these changes, but in the same breath, skeptical that we would actually move forward with the changes. Today changed my skepticism, wow is the only thing I can say.

This week was not a normal week for me. I felt extremely anxious about what was to happen on Sunday morning. Honestly, this is way out of the ordinary for me. I generally do not ever get nervous. When I looked at the set list for the week, I immediately knew this was going to be a special week. I was right.

This morning during our practice, singing "I Stand Amazed" and "Unashamed" my eyes filled with tears and my voice was shaking because I was so overwhelmed by the feeling of God in the gymnasium. My anxiety turned to excitement as the day moved forward.

Through both services, there was a feeling in the worship that I had not felt in a long time. It almost seemed that the entire congregation knew something big was about to happen. As the band continued to play, I felt as if the band had put our instruments down. The music was truly about the words and hundreds of voices were praising our God together. I was blown away at the sound of his people singing praises and opening themselves to the Lord.

Today was an amazing day. I know that God changed people's lives today in powerful ways. The best part is, I am still anxious. God IS NOT done at TrueNorth. He has shown us just a glimpse of his greatness today. Are you ready? Hold on church, hold on. Greater things are still to be done.

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