Tuesday, November 13, 2007

I freakin love Hillsong!

This song is amazing!!! And yes I actually went to GodTube...

Monday, August 27, 2007

Got Fitness?

Well it has been a very long time since I have posted anything on here. Mostly because the lack of time due to jobs and/or other various activities that I deem worthy of my time. In the summer months I worked for a Lawn Care service, TLW Lawncare (they do excellent work btw). Through countless hours of sitting on hot lawn mowers and walking a couple miles a day with a 40 pound blower strapped to my back (sometimes two blowers to get things done faster...talk about that one later on!), I realized that studying a book in an air conditioned room is much more fun! This will be my third semester of classes at Aiken Technical College in the Physical Therapy program. Less than two years left!

I have also decided to take my Personal Fitness Training to another level. A good friend of mine in Atlanta, GA inspired me to start training a couple of years ago. Last May, after a few bad experiences and many good, I decided to leave the gym I was currently working at. Stevie [my friend in Atlanta] gave me the idea this summer of starting my own business. So that's what I am doing, starting my own business! As of now the business name is still up in the air but almost everything else is calculated. In the next month I will be taking a national Personal Training Certification exam. I am taking the test through the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) which is the leading certification in America. I will be working out of personal homes and Body Worx Fitness in North Augusta, SC. (When I become ACSM certified my name will read as follows.....""Cliff Jennings ACSM CPT""....Just though it looked "cool"!)

****I will be charging hourly rates based on where we are training and the type of program. I am very willing to work with anyone. If you are interested email me, cjennings87@yahoo.com, and I will email you with more information!****

I feel like the Lord has blessed me with many things in life, good health included. I feel like I can share my knowledge and "expertise" [if you will] to help others become healthy and enjoy life in a healthy body that doesn't growl at them with every move made. Pray for me as I get things running! I'm going to need them I'm sure!

OH! Any ideas for business names email me or comment on a post! Please keep them mature and related to Personal Fitness Training.

Physcology class is calling.......

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Fitness Tip Number 2

DISCLAIMER!!! Understand that these weekly fitness tips are not from a doctor! I am not a doctor and do not try to be. I am a fitness trainer, not to be confused with a dietician, doctor, or physical therapist! These fitness tips are exactly what they are, tips! These are designed to help your health and fitness by suggesting new exercises, routines and possibly diets.

So I'm a little late this week, but that's ok! Hopefully that just means you continued to do your crunches all of this week as well! Week 2 is made to be COMBINED with Week 1! Imagine that, MORE exercises to do!

Week 2: ALONG WITH your crunches from week one, add in Toes & Bows! For week two you will only work out for 3 days of the week again, MONDAY, THURSDAY, and SATURDAY.

--Toes & Bows will be done in 3 SETS OF 30-60 SECONDS.

Exercise 2: TOES & BOWS could quite possibly become your best friend. This will strengthin your entire core, meaning, lower back, abdomin, upper thighs, hips, and shoulders. In the same place you complete your crunches, Toes & Bows will be done by simply rolling over on your stomach. Get into a pushup position minus the hands on the ground. Replace the hands on the ground with your forearms. Then simply lift your back, rear, and legs like the picture shown below. You want to make sure you stay parallel to the ground. Try not to put you rear too far in the air, but you also want to make sure it is high enough. Hold this position for 30-60 seconds. (**Put a watch on the floor front of you to keep the time, believe it or not, humans cannot keep time like a watch can!**) In between sets, rest for NO LONGER than 60 seconds!

Simple as that! Combine Week 1 with Week 2 and continue to do these workouts three times a week and before you know it......even this guy will be jealous! HAHA!

Ok...maybe he wont be jealous. Personally, I wouldn't want that to be me, poor guy can't even put a shirt on! Happy ABBING!

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Fitness Tip Number 1

DISCLAIMER!!! Understand that these weekly fitness tips are not from a doctor! I am not a doctor and do not try to be. I am a fitness trainer, not to be confused with a dietician, doctor, or physical therapist! These fitness tips are exactly what they are, tips! These are designed to help your health and fitness by suggesting new exercises, routines and possibly diets.

ABS. Not Anti-lock Brake System, or the American Basket-weaving Society, but Rectus abdominis. Everyone wants ABS. Unfortunately, I don't have a 24 hour solution to getting rid of a "beer gut" and gaining a washboard stomach. But, what I do have is a 4 week workout, which can be done at home, that will guarantee results. With this workout, and a little revision in your eating habits, in 4 weeks you will see results. Not necessarily the flawless final product, but a big step in the right direction.

Ok, I will assume that everyone has about 30 minutes of extra time in the day. As soon as you wake up, or before you go to bed, the important thing is that these exercises are getting done. Most of these exercises everyone can do. A few might be difficult if you have a lower back or neck problem.

Week 1: For the first week, you will only work out 3 days. MONDAY, THURSDAY, SATURDAY.

---4 SETS of 10-15 Repetions. VERY SLOWLY! I should be able to count to "8 one-thousand" before you finish one repetition. (Sets-this means you will do 10-15 reps. Rest for no longer than 2 minutes. Then start your second set. This will be repeated until 4 sets is accomplished.)

Exercise 1: AB CRUNCH! Find a comfortable place to lie down, besides your bed! Somewhere with thick carpet is ideal, but putting a blanket down to act as a mat is fine too. Lie down on your back with your feet flat on the floor. Your knees should be in the air. Cross your arms across your chest. (Not behind your head like the picture shows!) By placing your hands across your chest and not behind your head, it will be easier to keep your back straight, and also ensure that you are not cheating! Now concentrate on lifting the upper body off of the ground by only using your ABS. Keep you back and neck straight! You should stop about half-way up, this is just a crunch, not a a full sit-up. You should be concentrating on squeezing with your ABS to bring your back off the ground. Don't use momentum! This picture is only to show how far off the ground you should bring your back, do not round your neck or put your arms in this position. Remember, keep you neck and back straight, you want to be looking at the ceiling and not your stomach. This will concentrate on the ABS and take the pain away from the neck.

Ok, there is week one! Do this exercise on Monday, Thursday and Saturday of the first week. Don't forget to do these very slowly. Concentrate on using your ABS and not momentum. If this is too simple for you, good! Try to do 20-25 repetitions instead of 10-15.


Thursday, January 11, 2007

Blog to the Future

Ok, so this whole blog thing I am still not completely sold on. I'm just not quite sure it can hold up to pages like Myspace and Facebook. I am one of those people who like many different things. Jesus, music, health and fitness, and anything else really! As long as it doesn't involve clowns (still getting over that one) or anything illigal I'm normally down for whatever!

So here's what I figured I would do with this blog. I am going to try to post a fitness tip once a week, something that is pretty general. I will also post some music stuff, and I will be posting things about whats going on in my life. And I'm sure I will post some things the Lord has planted on my heart as well.

So anyways! Here it is, here it goes!

My new blog!

Well I figured that I would be a follower....everyone else is doing it! Go Blogs!